Saturday 31 August 2013

Disabled, OR Lazy?

Disabled car parks, they're handy, usually you don't need to worry about a parking time limit and they're close to the location.
You know, they're very convenient when you're in a hurry, aren't they?
Well as amazing as it sounds, disabled car parks are for people who are in wheelchairs and require the extra space, find it hard to walk long distances and SOME of the older generation.
Disabled car parks are for DISABLED PEOPLE, you are required to have a VALID Disabled Parking Permit and you must have it displayed when you park in a Disabled car park.

The Blog Review today is about who IS and who ISN'T allowed to park in a Disabled car park.
There are so many who park in Disabled car parks who DON'T have disabilities. Just because, what? They can't be bothered walking those extra metres to the shops, who think, "oh, I'll only be a couple of minutes". Those "couple of minutes" could have really helped someone else who needed it more.

When there are people like this, it makes it hard for others who are actually disabled because there are judgemental people who think, "oh you don't look disabled, you shouldn't have parked here".

When you're about to park in a Disabled car park, just think, "oh, no I won't be lazy, I'll park somewhere else, another person might need this more than me".
It never hurt anyone to walk a few more minutes.
This way everyone will be happy, you won't get abused and the other person will be able to use the shopping car park without struggling.

If you would like to share your opinion, I'd be happy to read it.



  1. Hear hear! I often say to people who tell me they'll only be a few minutes that I wish I was able to do so. Spend a day living with a disability and then come back and tell its ok because you'll only be a few minutes. Well written Sheree

    1. Yeah I know how you feel. I've heard many of times "I'll only be a few minutes", "I say yeah you're disabled for sure"..

      Thank you so much. Feel free to read and comment on any of my other blog reviews. I write most of these from my own life experiences.
