Never "Expect"
Hello my Fellow Bloggers and Blog Readers.
It's been a while aye?
I've been fairly busy fighting for my right as a human being, fighting for my place in society... Being independent, getting what I want, never relying on incompetent people.
I say- If you rely on others, it will never be done when or how you like.
If you did that, you'll be waiting for the rest of your life, DO IT YOURSELF, FIGURE IT OUT! You can do it, if you believe in yourself, others will believe in you! :)
I've had to think like that because I've always been screwed around by disability services, doctors and other "Government employed people", telling me that they'll do something but I'd wait months on end.
If anyone EVER tells you they'll do something, never expect it to happen in a hurry.
Whenever someone says "I'll call you" or "I'll let you know", NEVER wait for them.
If you're in a meeting writing notes and someone doesn't "feel comfortable" about it, keep writing notes because anything they say, your notes will be able to back you up, that will be your evidence. But you must ALWAYS provide a date, location and peoples names that were in the meeting.
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